MYSORE style

Ashtanga yoga, in its traditional form, is taught in the "Mysore style". This is a method whereby the student is taught the series, pose by pose, memorizing as they go. As the student becomes proficient with each posture, the teacher continues to give postures, working with each student individually & helping the student to develop a self practice. 


Ashtanga means "eight limbs" and therefore Ashtanga yoga is the eight limbs of yoga. Asana is known to be the 3rd limb, which are the physical postures that in the West we call Yoga. Asana is the part of the practice that is the easiest way to begin. The other 7 limbs can be accessed through our physical practice. The first two - yama & niyama - how you treat others & how you treat yourself - become an integral part of the practice very quickly. Pranayama is a practice that comes when the asana practice is steady. And the last four are developed as we practice when it organically seems time for them to happen. 


How to start Mysore Style

Just come! The first class will be like a one on one private class in a group setting. The teacher or assistant will work closely with you, teaching you the first section of the Primary sequence. As you memorize the poses, much more independence is given. But as you learn you will be fully supported by the teaching team. Mysore Style is an open practice time, meaning you may come and start your practice anytime between the scheduled hours. Simply leave enough time to finish your practice before the scheduled hours end.


Moon Days

Moon Days, when the moon is full or new, we take rest. These days happen bi-weekly & are welcomed when practicing the traditional 6 day per week schedule! Because Mysore TO only offers a once per week practice schedule, it is up to the individual student as to whether they will take the date listed as a Rest Day. Dates for 2021 are listed below.


NEW Moon

Mysore Toronto - New Moon

February 1
March 2
April 1
April 30
May 30
June 28
July 28
August 27
September 25
October 25
November 23
December 23





Mysore Toronto - Full Moon

 January 17
February 16
March 18
April 16
May 16
June 14
July 13
August 11
September 10
October 9
November 8
December 7